Welcome to the Black Skull Foundation and our Community and Society, We are a New Startup Company and Business on the Internet, Working for the Future and Saving and Investing in a Place and Location where we Can Lend a Hand and Start a Place or Store, those who can't Afford Clothes and Food, Accessories and Items, Be Able to Find a Solution based on their Appetite or Style of Wear and Finding what They Need Quickly. Help us Provide for those who are Unfortunate or Dealing with Homelessness or Poverty Today.

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A solemn Promise to be a Leader and Ruler and Being a Black Dictator or Emperor

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Treating Employees or Workers with Respect? Would you Survive the Last Fall of a Career

Treating Employees or Workers with Respect? Would you Survive the Last Fall of a Career

The Hiring Industry can be a Scary Place, especially when Half of your Life, Flies by into Utter Hell

Getting your first job is a Taunting Experience, Make sure that Job is of your Interest and Hobby

and a Career that you want to be in? Make sure you have a Good Manager or your Job's 

Administration is Supportive of it's Employees, and Try to Motivate them and Increase Moral and 

Enjoyment for Working at a Company, Make sure your Boss Spends the Time to Talk to you and 

See how your Life is Going? a Good Boss or Manager would Talk to Every Employee and See how 

there Life is Going, a Real Boss would take the time to Listen? to an Employees Story or Life, and 

if that Boss Wants that Employee to work for Him? He and His Supervisors better Treat 

every Employee with Respect and actually Care, A Good Company and Organization and Managers

would make sure their Employees or Coworkers are not only Happy but have a Place to Live

and perhaps even ask their employees on what they think of the Atmosphere of Working here

or how they could increase work performance or offer some kind of Incentive for Employees

How About Firing or Dismissing Bosses or Managers or Supervisors who Belittle or Put there 

Workers down or Use Negativity to make their employees feel Bad. is the Reason why Most 

Employees, Resign or End a Job after 3 Years, Just Ask us a Red Tie Employee 

or been in that Phase, Many Times, Ask a Blue Collar Worker who 

Worked in the Grocery Industry for 3 Years?

Ask a Stressed out and Angry Employee that Passed out or Fainted on the Floor, With an Orange

and Yellow Cone Displayed on the Floor, It's Hilarious as well as pissed, when a Past Employee has 

their own business and Worked for Themselves and is now Dressed in Red and Yellow

Orange and Pink, and Now Dressed in Black, Have you been Outside

and looked at the Stop Signs or the Street Signs with the Color Black or Green

or the Color of the Curb , Yeah It's Something to Notice because we Started 

with those Same Colors when we were Born onto this Planet? And we are much more, Yeah we 

have no problems with Asking or Making a Statement to so called Bosses and Employers, Just Wait 

till some of your Employees go to your Competition and End up as a Boss or Administration 

themselves? I Hope you took our Advice to Ask how your Employees are doing at your Job and 

Listen to their Personal Stories? Very Interesting to Hear, and don't forget if it wasn't for your 

Work Force, Bosses or Employers, you would be Experiencing Hope and Faith as Well!

Just Make Sure your Overhead Costs and Business costs and Expenses are Affordable and 

Profitable Otherwise you would Learn the Hard Way, 20 Years Later you could end up with Nothing 

and or Forsaken? and Force to Downsize due to the Cost of Services or the Prices Gauges or 

Overpriced Cost of a provider you use? Make sure whatever you do or offer is Affordable and 

Cheap as well as what your Customers Enjoy or Want? I think Picking up Leftovers or Extras

and Making Sure you can get a Good Deal and perhaps even a Partnership with new Vendors and 

Services along the way, Perhaps make an Agreement with them to Sell their Products or Multiple 

Products or Services and Try to Lower the Cost or Price by 20-30% Percent, In Exchange or Trading 

of Products or possible offer them a Venture, in Exchange or promote there Brand or Company 

We Strongly suggest that All Businesses or Companies, Review their Bills and Costs of Services 

within the First 3-6 Years, Because most Vendors and Services could Raise Prices or Costs

for Services which could Effect your Organization or Company within the first 12 Years

Just wait till your Business or Company or You get Stoned into the Stone Age, You Better

be Prepared to Come up with New Ideas to make your Foundation Creative and Innovative

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