Welcome to the Black Skull Foundation and our Community and Society, We are a New Startup Company and Business on the Internet, Working for the Future and Saving and Investing in a Place and Location where we Can Lend a Hand and Start a Place or Store, those who can't Afford Clothes and Food, Accessories and Items, Be Able to Find a Solution based on their Appetite or Style of Wear and Finding what They Need Quickly. Help us Provide for those who are Unfortunate or Dealing with Homelessness or Poverty Today.

First Inventory and Stock Request, List of Supplies Needed for our Community

A solemn Promise to be a Leader and Ruler and Being a Black Dictator or Emperor

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

The Environment or Landscape or Administration of a City or Metropolis?

 The Environment or Landscape or Administration of a City or Metropolis?

What Happens when you have a Passionate Desire to Change the Environment

or Landscape of the Surface of your Planet, It's Interesting to know your Interested

in the Habitat or Civilization, or how the Creation of the Weather and Climate works

It's Hard living in the City and Seeing everything covered in Cement and or Concrete.

You Notice all the Streets and Sidewalks and Parking Lots Covered in Cement or Concrete

What happened to the Basic Soft Material of Soil and Dirt to cover the Ground, It's a Wonder

is all this Hard Material such as Bricks and Steel, Concrete and Cement Preventing the Rain 

or Water to Fall from the Clouds, What makes it Snow or make it Snowing in a Town?

The Subject of Global Warming or just the Heat waves that Come Frequently is a Questioning 

Effect when it comes to this World, What about Reducing Pollution or Vehicles in a City?

Like us we care about our City and or Where we Live? But isn't a Beautiful Scenery such as 

a Forest or Nature Walk with a Creek to Enjoy Important in a City? What about taking care of 

the Population, It's Hard when you Used to be an Owner of a Business or Manager in the Past

But you are Complete Shocked on how your City has Become? It's Sad to Notice that Affordability 

for a Place to Live as well as Prices of Basic Food Went up, and is not Affordable, It's hard 

when you are walking in an area and you See Dead Grass or Yards that look Disasterous

What about the Overpopulation or Oversupply of Vehicles and Automobiles in a City or Town

What about Closing Some Streets for a Block Party to meet and Interact with other Neighbors

Cities or Towns, Villages and Metropolis's should focus on not only what the Civilians

or population Wants, But How about Change of an Environment and Places for Shade

How About Construction or Creation of a Creek or River? where People can Enjoy?

in the Summer and Hot and Humid Days that Seem to Always be here.

Our Philosophy and Hobbies and Interest has always been in Management or Administration

It's Interesting when you Played Sim City or the Computer Game Civilization, but now you 

have the interest and effort to do it in Real Life and Saving and Investing for the Future. 

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