Welcome to the Black Skull Foundation and our Community and Society, We are a New Startup Company and Business on the Internet, Working for the Future and Saving and Investing in a Place and Location where we Can Lend a Hand and Start a Place or Store, those who can't Afford Clothes and Food, Accessories and Items, Be Able to Find a Solution based on their Appetite or Style of Wear and Finding what They Need Quickly. Help us Provide for those who are Unfortunate or Dealing with Homelessness or Poverty Today.

First Inventory and Stock Request, List of Supplies Needed for our Community

A solemn Promise to be a Leader and Ruler and Being a Black Dictator or Emperor

Friday, July 22, 2022

The Sweaty Person who Enjoys the Frozen and Celsius Weather

 Putting in Hard Effort into a 3 Hour Window every day means enjoying 

the way that you put down as a Work Habit, Sometimes the Weather or Climate can 

make your Career a Sweaty day especially when the Weather is always at 80 Degrees

or Above, meaning it's always Sunny and sometimes even Humid. Enjoying a Cup of Soft Drinks

with Ice Cubes and even a Cold Shower Every Day is something to Enjoy. I'v been thinking about 

Getting a Portable Swimming Pool and Putting 3 Bags of Ice Cubes in it and Filling it with Cold 

Freezing Water and Taking a Swim just to Lower my Temperature, as I seem to be Accustomed 

more to the Celsius or Frost Temperature. We are those who like walking in the Rain and Wouldn't 

even need an Umbrella, Because we like Being Soaked in a Cold Shower, Playing or glaciating in 

Snow is something of Interest. We are those who would Turn on the Sprinklers and Enjoy getting 

soaked for 30 Minutes on a Hot Day or maybe even a Water Balloon Fight, It's Interesting when 

you have a Dream or Nightmare of being Buried in a Snow Avalanche with 40,000 Feet of Snow 

covering you Alive, You Spent a Summer Climbing a Mountain or Alpine, Trekking though Snow and 

Glaciers enjoying the Beautiful Scenery of Deer and Forests. you are one of those people who Love 

Nature and would be very interested in Finding property related to the Wilderness, a Mountain and 

maybe even a Creek to Enjoy as well as purchase and make it your own as your Final home and 

Destination of the Future. it's a Beautiful Reminder when you See the Beautiful Real Rainbow in 

the Sky or in the Sprinkler, It kind of Reminds you on what the Weather or Climate is Capable of

Creation of the Fog or Mist and the Clouds or the Beginning of Rain Drops?

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